Busy Dog - for dogs who love life!
Fun agility, trick training and nose work - it's everything dogs love!
Learn a range of activities in this six week course that you can use every day to make life with your dog more fun and fulfilling. This course is for dogs of any age who would enjoy doing more
Learn how to harness the incredible power of your dog's nose and create fulfilling activities for home or walks.
Trick training
We'll show you how to teach your dog anything. It stimulates their brain and gets the two of you working together
Fun agility
The ultimate partnership activity and a fantastic blend of energy and control for energetic dogs
Busy Dog runs on Saturday mornings at regular intervals throughout the year (see booking page for dates and availability)
Our classes are in an indoor riding school in Little Kingshill so we are under cover and have LOTS of space
The six-week course is £135.
The course is designed to be fun and fulfilling for dogs who enjoy being in a busy class setting and are able to relax and work around other dogs. You'll get more from this course if your dog has a good recall and a steady sit (or wait). A 'down' is also ideal but not it's not essential